Entering "m" will give you a menu of commands. 输入“m”可以查看命令菜单。
When the macro submenu displays the menu commands, point to the location where you want the command to appear on the menu, and then release the mouse. 当“宏”子菜单显示菜单命令时,指向希望该命令在菜单上显示的位置,再放开鼠标键。
To display a shortcut menu for the item you want to change, try clicking the right mouse button. For example, right-click any field to display a menu of editing commands. 尝试单击鼠标右键,来显示要更改项的快捷菜单。例如,可以鼠标单击任何域来显示编辑命令菜单。
You can create a new local policy database by choosing import policy from the security settings menu commands. 您可以从安全设置的导入策略创建新的本地策略数据库。
For example, the format selection and format document menu commands can fix casing and quotation-mark problems, but they will not change the structure of the document. 例如,“设置选定内容的格式”和“设置文档的格式”菜单命令可以解决大小写和引号的问题,但它们不会更改文档的结构。
Narrator can read aloud menu commands, dialog box options and more. “讲述人”可高声阅读菜单命令、对话框选项等等。
You can also add images to menu commands and change the assigned icon for commands. 还可以向菜单命令添加图像并更改为命令分配的图标。
Provides full document support, including serialization and document-related File menu commands. 提供完全文档支持,包括序列化和与文档相关的“文件”菜单命令。
Some of the customised navigation tools that you can incorporate into your application design include command buttons, custom menu commands and custom toolbar buttons. 一部分的定制导航工具,你可以把它纳入应用程序的设计。包括命令按钮,自定义菜单命令和自定义工具栏按钮。
Select the application wizard database option database view with file support when you have an alternative use for the document-related File menu commands and document serialization. 对与文档相关的“文件”菜单命令和文档序列化有其他用途的用户,可选择应用程序向导数据库选项“支持文件的数据库视图”。
Find, invoke, add and remove standard menu commands. 查找、调用、添加和移除标准菜单命令。
In order to generate and edit a measuring record the following menu commands are available in the measuring file window. 在测量文档窗口里有应用于建立和编辑一个测量记录的菜单命令。
Menu commands for editing the measuring record in the measuring file window. 测量窗口里用于编辑测量记录的菜单命令。
Unlike menu commands, verbs can define the text that is displayed to the user, but they do not define the placement of the command on the actual menu. 与菜单命令不同,谓词可定义向用户显示的文本,但是它们不定义命令在实际菜单上的位置。
Display a menu of commands for the help window. 显示“帮助”窗口的命令菜单。
Menu commands have a great advantage, however, in their verbal descriptions of functions. 不过菜单命令也有一个巨大好处,它用文字详细说明了各项功能。
The menu command service handles the tasks of adding, removing, finding, and executing menu commands. 菜单命令服务处理添加、移除、查找和执行菜单命令的任务。
If you add process extensions to either the Tools menu or an object's Action menu, they are listed after standard menu commands in the order they were created. 如果你添加了一个进程扩展到工具菜单或者一个对象的动作菜单,他们会按照你创建时候的次序列在标准菜单之后出现。
You cannot edit this text manually. Use the toolbar buttons or menu commands to accept or reject changes. 不能手动编辑此文本。请使用工具栏按钮或菜单命令接受或拒绝更改。
It is responsible for tracking menu commands and designer verbs ( actions), and showing the correct context menu when a user chooses a particular designer. 它负责跟踪菜单命令和设计器谓词(操作),并且在用户选择特定设计器时显示正确的上下文菜单。
Alter the event handlers associated with standard menu commands. 改变与标准菜单命令关联的事件处理程序。
In this exercise, we will use the menu commands. 在这个练习中,我们将使用菜单命令。
Depending on the status of the measuring record, those menu commands which cannot be executed will be colored in gray. 根据测量记录的情况,不能执行的菜单命令是灰色的。
Tasks can run command lines, launch menu commands, or navigate to other tree items. 任务可以运行命令行指令,启动菜单命令,或者定位到其他树项目。
Use state menu commands only when both states are clearly opposite and unambiguous. 只有在每一个状态都是相对和明确的情况下才使用状态命令。
Add menu items to the shortcut menu representing the commands you want to make available at run time. 向表示您希望在运行时使其可用的命令的快捷菜单添加菜单项。
While using the binary editor, in many instances, you can right-click to display a shortcut menu of resource-specific commands. 使用二进制编辑器时,很多情况下可以通过右击来显示资源特定命令的快捷菜单。
You can add menu commands to new or existing menus, as well as remove them. 您可以向新菜单或现有菜单中添加菜单命令,也可以移除命令。
You can rearrange and modify toolbar buttons, menus, and menu commands by using the. 对话框可以重排和修改工具栏按钮、菜单和菜单命令。
You can add, remove, and invoke menu commands, and search for menu commands that have been added to a menu using methods of this interface. 您可以使用此接口的方法添加、移除和调用菜单命令,并且可以搜索已添加到菜单中的菜单命令。